724 10th Ave. (Apt. 4B)
Ceiling Collapse, Bathroom Leak, Mold

The leak is back yet again!


Water damage from the ongoing leak in my bathroom, notice how
path of the water goes directly to the light fixture, an obvious fire hazard.


Damage to the over the toilet cabinet I purchased on my own,
due to the ongoing leak in my bathroom.


More photos of the debris and results of the multiple ceiling collapses in my bathreoom.


Mold and mildew riddled medicine cabinet due to the leak
in my bathroom that has been ongoing for almost 12 years.


Close up of the ceiling collapse in my bathroom.


Debris, mold, and mildew from ceiling collapse in my bathroom.


Ceiling collapsed in my bathroom.


More damage from the ceiling collapsing in my bathroom from an ongoing leak
over the entire time I have been in my apartment...almost 12 yrs.


Final result of the leak in my bathroom.


Yet another incident where there is a leak in my bathroom once again.


The water from the leak in my bathroom also made its way
through to the light fixture in my bathroom, causing the glass globe to explode.


My bathroom ceiling collapsed.


Water damage from the leak in my bathroom.


Another beginning of a leak in my bathroom.


The beginning of the leak in my bathroom that has happened unbelievably 6 times in all.


The beginning of the leak in my bathroom.


The leak progresses.